May 13-15 – Hokkaidō 北海道

            To wrap up my trip, I will fly from the very south part to the northeast island of Japan, Hokkaidō.
            The first thing I want to do might be eating Kobe beef, the finest beef in the world. Having Kobe steak for lunch might be too big a meal, but it’s only half price as a Kobe steak dinner.

            For the last two days in japan, I want to end the trip with visiting a national park each day. The bullet train will take me to Kushiro Shitsugen National Park and Akan National Park, where I will linger to savior the last memories in this beautiful country.

Ban’ei Déjà vu
            I learnt about Ban’ei, the special kind of horse racing from one of my favorite manga Silver Spoon, a story that sets in Sapporo, the capital of Hokkaidō. The Ban’ei horses are the tallest and powerfully-built of Percheron, Breton or Bergian breeds. I will try to make my way to Obihiro Racecourse and see the racetracks. It will be like re-living the manga scene!

Flight $782
Hotel $40*3
Food $50+20*3
Total $1012